
LET'S TALK. 503-563-7693

Symptoms of vertebral compression fracture:

  • Sharp, sudden onset of back pain
  • Back pain that worsens while standing or walking
  • Limited spinal mobility
  • Vertebral body height loss, deformity and/or disability

Oregon’s Rapid Treatment Centers for Vertebral Compression Fractures.

If you’ve suffered a compression fracture, time is of the essence. Contact us today.

Vertebral Compression Fractures

Vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are a common health issue that causes severe back pain and can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life. These fractures occur when the vertebral body in the spine collapses, which can lead to a variety of complications including height loss, deformity, and disability. The most common cause of VCFs is osteoporosis, a condition that weakens the bones and makes them more susceptible to fractures. Other causes include trauma such as a fall or a car accident, and certain types of cancers that spread to the spine and weaken the vertebrae.

Treatment Options for Vertebral Compression Fractures

Thankfully, there are many treatment options available for individuals dealing with VCFs. Non-surgical treatments include medications to manage pain and slow bone loss, back braces to provide spinal support, and physical therapy to improve strength and flexibility. When surgical intervention may be necessary, procedures such as vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty involve injecting a bone cement into the fractured vertebra to stabilize the spine and reduce pain.

happy older couple

Do you need an urgent review of your back pain?

Call us at 503-563-7693, or complete the form below and we’ll contact you to answer questions and help you set up an evaluation. If you’re concerned that you may have suffered a compression fracture, don’t delay. Improved outcomes can be associated with more timely interventions.

Balloon kyphoplasty: step-by-step procedure

Balloon kyphoplasty: step-by-step procedure

Relief is Near.

At the Oregon Spinal Fracture Clinic, we stand at the forefront of cutting-edge pain alleviation methods, helping patients resume an active and healthy lifestyle. Whether you’re grappling with newfound back pain or dealing with chronic discomfort due to spine-related issues or prior surgical interventions, we’re committed to pinpointing the source of your pain and offering the most approriate solutions for your condition.


Schedule an Appointment with Oregon Spinal Fracture Clinic

it is important that Vertebral Compression Fractures are diagnosed and treated early, to help avoid longer-term complications and a downward spiral. Connect with us today to diagnose the source of your pain and to implement a rapid treatment plan if necessary.

“He listens to you and makes you feel like you are not just a number in line. I would recommend him with high respect.”


“I have had several visits with Dr. Khemlani and found him and his staff to be very helpful and professional.”
